・裏側は’47とN.HOOLYWOOD COMPILEオリジナルテープでパイピング、サイドには両ブランドのロゴをエンブロイド。共地で仕上げたつば裏。クラウンはナチュラルな形をデザイン。アジャスターストラップには、コードバンを使用。
ONE. 高さ 9 頭周り 〜60. つば 7.2
Based on the concept of “editing formal and dresswear in a contemporary manner,” “N. HOOLYWOOD COMPILE” continues to pursue creativity, without a specific theme, focusing on the details, materials, and comfort of the clothing. Aiming for borderless designs that transcend situations, whether it’s dressing up casual items or making formal and dress-like pieces more casual.
・A cap with an adjuster strap.
・The back side is piping with '47 and N.HOOLYWOOD COMPILE original tape, and the logos
of both brands are embroidered on the side. The back of the brim finished with the same
material. The crown is designed with a natural shape.
・Through off-scale processing, the threads themselves are given resilience, enhancing their anti-shrink properties. Furthermore, by applying an impregnation process, a high-density wool tropical fabric with a firm and beautiful appearance has been achieved.